Tacitus, who has no vested interest in the outcome of the current presidential primaries anyway (note to Tacitus: if you want a say who will be the next Democratic nominee then you should become a Democrat), nonetheless offers his advice on who we should choose.
His post has generated over 300 comments and many of them discuss the unrelated question of who are nicer, southerners or midwesterners. Having lived in Minnesota, Ohio, and Maryland(kinda southern), I can say that midwesterners and southerners aren't nice at all. They're extremely polite, which they tend to confuse with being nice, but it isn't the same thing. In fact, the less they like you the more polite they tend to be and faux politeness sort of strikes me as the antithesis of nice, to be honest.
In my experience, the people on the west coast are much nicer in general then those of the south or the midwest, although the nicest, most decent person I know is a friend of mine from Nebraska. I suppose this shows that there are nice people in the midwest. Just not as many as they think they have.