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May 10, 2004



And, in or near that post, he stated that all participants in an anti-war march organized by ANSWER were responsible for endorsing ANSWER.

Since Tacitus is a pair political employee of the administration, what does that make him?

In the end, Tacitus isn't very honest; he just has enough self-honesty to realize that reality does exist, and can't totally be spun away. That's why he's worried about the war in Iraq. He's a fanatical jinogist, but hasn't yet filed for a divorce from reality.


You're almost attentive enough. Good work on the Schedule C part.

However, I've referred several times to the fact that I'm no longer a taxpayer-supported worker.

Dave Adams

However, I've referred several times to the fact that I'm no longer a taxpayer-supported worker

Does that mean you're a taxpayer-supported non-worker? Or a nontaxpayer-supported worker?

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

-a private-enterprise sector worker

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