Shorter Mark Steyn: Nobody wants to hear about John Kerry's Vietnam war experience. That's old news. And why would anyone want to vote for him otherwise?
Sure Mark. You're welcome to your opinion on this. And of course you will be voting for the other guy. What? You won't? Oh, that's right, you aren't eligible to vote for anybody because you're Canadian. Sure, Mark, you have a right to an opinion just like every other carbon based life form in the universe, but when it comes to political commentary I'd just as soon listen to someone who has the same interests that I do.
What is it with the right, anyway? Do they love outsourcing so much that they farm out their opinion and policy writing to other countries as well? Mark Steyn, David Frum, Andrew Sullivan, John Derbyshire, and so on. The next time you hear one of those people blathering on, remember that they don't have the same obligations or interests as you do.
And yes, I realize that Derbyshire has US citizenship and that Sullivan might as well. But I seriously doubt that they surrendered their UK passports (as they were required to do since the US doesn't allow dual citizenship for adults) when they took the oath. I'd bet a lot on that one.