We have them, as I discovered on Monday during a long overdue mowing of the lawn. (By the way, did you know that Monday was officially a holiday? I didn't until I came to DC...) I actually don't mow the lawn that often. I hate mowing more than almost anything else in the world and part of the deal about getting a house with a yard was that R. would handle all mowing duties. And by and large she has lived up to her side of the deal. But on Monday she wanted to take J. to playgroup in the morning and I wanted to take J. to the pool with her in the afternoon and she wanted to have the lawn mowed somewhere in there so I offered to do it while she was gone.
Which is how I came to discover the mole infestations in our backyard. (Do moles infest?) The extremely long grass was covering mole runs criss-crossing the entire yard, many right at the surface. I'm not sure whether everyone around here has them or whether they just like our laid back approach to yardwork.
And what is the appropriate response to a mole infestation? My original sentiment was "Cool..."
Mole infestations are not too bad. However if you want to get rid of them because they are causing you problems here is a humane solution to help them find another place to live.
If you use sonic sound to repel the problem moles what you are doing impacting rodents' nervous systems without harming them. I think this is a good approach if you want to control the mole infestation.
Also you can always use Castor oil which cover's mole's food with oily taste. Moles have to eat their body weight every three days or they will dehydrate and die. After a few unpleasant meals, your unwanted guest will begin looking for a fresh food supply. This can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks.
Visit the following link for more info.
Posted by: Edgar Sanchez | May 20, 2005 at 04:48 PM